Advantages of the H1B1 VISA

The United States signed Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) with Chile on September 3, 2003, introducing a new class of non-immigrant work visa (H1B1) for Chilean citizens (1,400 visas). 

At Visability, we highlight the advantages Chileans have with this Work Visa.

Advantages of Obtaining Your H1B1 Visa

Time in Process

Under normal conditions, an H1B1 Visa takes less than 3 months to be processed and approved. (vs H1B that can take more than 1 year or even never be granted).

Less Amount of Requirements

In the H1B1 Visa, the applicant's employer does not require authorization from the United States Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS), a lengthy and costly process.

Lower Processing Cost

The H1B1 Visa has a cost of US $190 per application, while the H1B this cost can exceed US $3,000.

High chances of getting it

The H1B1 Visa is not subject to a lottery like the H1B, (Visa that is granted to 65,000 people out of +450,000 applicants in the world). If the applicant for an H1B1 Visa meets the requirements and submits the documents correctly through Visability, it has a high probability of being granted.

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